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Бюро переводов срочно
Бюро переводов в Москве, а также во всех регионах России – это способ наладить взаимопонимание с иностранной стороной, осуществить точный перевод текстов и документов.
Зачем люди учат иностранный язык?
Бюро переводов «Инфинити» хочет рассказать своим читателям о том, зачем люди учат иностранный язык и как это поможет в карьере и жизни.
Перевод документов на английский
Бюро переводов «Инфинити» предлагает оказание услуг в переводе документации на английский язык в любой сфере жизнедеятельности.
Consecutive interpretation
Consecutive interpretation means that a spokesperson says 3-5 sentences after which his speech is translated. By means of that an interpreter has enough time to make necessary memory notes and marks.
Requirements to consecutive interpretation are not as tough as to translation because interpreter does not have time to think over options of translation as he does in written translation. Nevertheless an interpreter must perfectly know foreign language have magnifical word stock and special knowledge in the subject of interpretation. As well as translation interpretation is conditionally divided into several directions. That is why “GR-consulting” thoroughly selects interpreters for every specific event where an interpreter is needed in such a way that the interpreter’s knowledge and experience would correspond to the event. We cooperate with the most experienced professionals who have experience at the highest level.
Consecutive interpretation also requires other knowledge and skills. An interpreter should know basics of business customs, customs of the country and have a good erudition. And appearance of an interpreter plays not the last role. All the interpreters of our company always have neat appearance and comply with dress code.
Consecutive interpretation is required at such events as negotiations, seminars, lectures, meeting and accompaniment of delegations.
If you need services of an interpreter just call “GR-consulting and you may focus on your event and forget about “language barrier”.