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Бюро переводов срочно
Бюро переводов в Москве, а также во всех регионах России – это способ наладить взаимопонимание с иностранной стороной, осуществить точный перевод текстов и документов.
Зачем люди учат иностранный язык?
Бюро переводов «Инфинити» хочет рассказать своим читателям о том, зачем люди учат иностранный язык и как это поможет в карьере и жизни.
Перевод документов на английский
Бюро переводов «Инфинити» предлагает оказание услуг в переводе документации на английский язык в любой сфере жизнедеятельности.
Technical translation services.
If you are looking for reliable and affordable technical translation services, you have come to the right place!
Technical translation is one of the most actual types of translation services. Complexity of technical translation is stipulated by its many-sidedness as it is needed by oil-and-gas companies, engineering companies, chemical plants, building companies and electric appliances producers.
Our team always strives for top performance in every aspect of technical translations. Methods we employ to improve results of work are:
- Selecting translators who have highly specializedbackground and relevant experience.
- Generating a vocabulary for each project, which help to standardize frequently used words and expressions.
- Ensuring localization is a part of every technical translation, making sure that such details like time zones, national currency, public holidays, local color sensitivities, anticipations and needs of the target market are not missed.
- Proof reading of texts.
When translating technical documents translator deals with highly-specialized terms which require truly encyclopedic knowledge. If there is no such knowledge then translation of polymer synthesis process description or research center’s working results will lose its meaning.
GR Consulting translation agency can offer translations for technical documents as diverse as:
- Technical translation of patents;
- Technical translation of Health and Safety materials;
- Technical translation of engineering specifications;
- Technical translation of Software and Hardware Manuals;
- Technical translation of architectural blueprints;
- Technical translation of user instructions;
- Technical translation of accident reports;
- Technical translation of consultation records;
- Technical translation of scientific papers;
- Technical translation of manuals and operating instructions;
- Technical translation of build instructions;
- Translation of technical proposals;
- Other technical documentstranslations.
Technical translation services are available from or to English, French, German, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Italian and other languages.
Technical translations always made in such a manner that the translated text would be plain and clear to those who the translation is made for. This is why when doing technical translation we only engage those translators who have technical knowledge. Furthermore after the text has been translated it is edited and proofread by corresponding specialists.
Amateurism is unacceptable in technical translation. If translation is made by a translator who does not have special knowledge value of the translation will be about zero. Distortions and even full loss of meaning are completely inevitable. Which means that technical translations should only be ordered in companies with good repute.